Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 3 - The Documentary Team

The News Flash Team have been working hard making mini movies in photostory 3 and imovie to document our Kidz Cannes Film Festival.  The News Team have also used a Voicethread to interview students from across the 7 schools involved.   Great work team!

Day 3

Everyone is having so much fun at the film festival at Tahunanui School. Almost every group is on their last section of making their film.  Some groups have had a lot of catastrophies! Our D.O.T.C. [Directors of the Century] had to remake the characters for our animation around 3 times. The green screening was a disaster however we able to turn it around and we got cardboard and printed of pictures of rooms (a back yard, a bedroom and a lounge).  We stuck them altogether, and cut some doors out and we got our back ground.  We've finally finished filming.  It was great that everyone got milo, biscuits and some fruit for morning tea! Yum!  I am astonished at how many people are coming to the Film Festival tonight.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Day 2

Today has been really exiciting.  I've seen people creating small creatures and characters to go in their films.  People have been videoing on green screens, and putting their animations onto the green screens.  Some people are even using imovie to put all the photos together.  The green screens are quite popular and so are the play dough creations.  There has been lots of very good group work and cooperation throughout the teams.  This morning the junior teams were making their film sets out of blocks and lego.  The work I have seen today is awesome.


Day 1 - Clips

This morning we watched some video clips from day one when we learned about the different steps in film making - they were awesome! What do you think?


Sound Effects

Day 1 - Part 2

The second part of the day was when all of the teams went away and did lots of workshops.
these where all the workshops
  • Storyboarding
  • Location/setting/props/costume etc
  • Audio/sound effects
  • Editing
  • Using a video camera

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 1 - Part 1

Today is the first day of the Kidz Cannes Film Festival. At 9am children from many different schools gathered at Tahunanui schools EYE-box to lean how to make movies.

The first work shop was about emotive photography.  There is 3 angles that you can do with a camera. There is a high angle which you do when someone is sad.  Or there is eye level which is just calm emotions or a low angle which you usally do when the person is proud or feeling strong and powerful.

The teams went off and experimented with different angles with the camera and trying to get stuff to stand out. So say there was a knife in the movie they might try to get the knife shining with the angle of the camera.

Junior students photograph after editing 
How does it make you feel?

Junior students low angle photograph

Check out James's imovie showing the emotive photography created by the students from Year 1 - 7