Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 3 - The Documentary Team

The News Flash Team have been working hard making mini movies in photostory 3 and imovie to document our Kidz Cannes Film Festival.  The News Team have also used a Voicethread to interview students from across the 7 schools involved.   Great work team!

1 comment:

  1. WOW, the Film Fetival this afternoon was stunning!
    Congratulations to all who took part and it was fantastic to see so many family and friends supporting this great learning experience.

    Well done to all the kidz! It is obvious that you have learnt so much in three days! The "disasters" are great learning opportunities. I look forward to hearing about and seeing the films that you make when you get back to your home schools!

    Special thanks to all of the teachers who created the and helped out at the Film Festival. Your energy and enthusiasm certainly helped to make the festival a success!

    Well done everyone!

    Janice G
