Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Day 1 - Part 1

Today is the first day of the Kidz Cannes Film Festival. At 9am children from many different schools gathered at Tahunanui schools EYE-box to lean how to make movies.

The first work shop was about emotive photography.  There is 3 angles that you can do with a camera. There is a high angle which you do when someone is sad.  Or there is eye level which is just calm emotions or a low angle which you usally do when the person is proud or feeling strong and powerful.

The teams went off and experimented with different angles with the camera and trying to get stuff to stand out. So say there was a knife in the movie they might try to get the knife shining with the angle of the camera.

Junior students photograph after editing 
How does it make you feel?

Junior students low angle photograph

Check out James's imovie showing the emotive photography created by the students from Year 1 - 7


  1. Wow I love the effect you applied to these photos. You thought about the angle and how to present it. Well done.

  2. Mr Power said,
    Great use of the adjust button and how you have used an interesting camera angle!

  3. Great use of camera angles, and of light-and-dark contrasts, photographers! And congratulations too to the recording team of students who are making this blog- great idea, great effort. Well done so far! It's great to see what's been happening, and to read your explanations :)

  4. Day one of the Kidz Cannes Film Festival was super busy. The kids had a fantastic day creating ideas and coming up with awesome plans for their projects. Amazing progress...can't wait to see more

  5. Well well well we have her hat do w
